Politics and Family

Rich Chambers

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This song is a bit of a departure in style for me, but I just couldn't resist. It is way too much fun!

When I was a kid, my dad and his friends used to hold these big living room jam sessions. Lots of guitars, lots of singing, lots of beer, and huge amounts of fun! I tried to channel those sessions when putting together the music for this song!

This song is a bit of a departure in style for me, but I just couldn't resist. It is way too much fun!

When I was a kid, my dad and his friends used to hold these big living room jam sessions. Lots of guitars, lots of singing, lots of beer, and huge amounts of fun! I tried to channel those sessions when putting together the music for this song! It's all acoustic guitars, finger snaps, clapping, and tambourines... just like the way my dad and his friends did it. Oh yes, and a pill bottle can be a wonderful shaker!

As for the lyrics, I also pulled from childhood memories. There were many political discussions at the dinner table over the years. They were mostly amicable, but every now and then they would get a little heated! Ah yes, family can be crazy sometimes. And decide if you want, whether or not I am commenting about the politics that inevitably exist within each family! Yep, families! They drive us crazy sometimes but we still can't help but love them!

Hope this song causes you to tap your toes and bring a smile to your face! It's a good old fashioned hootenanny! (I've always wanted to have an excuse to use that word😁)--RC

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